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Message to Dr. Tanya Glenn-Butler

Dr. Tanya Glenn-Butler - Female agent in Cinnaminson NJ

Dr. Tanya Glenn-Butler

The Butler Real Estate, LLC
(267) 885-6054
(267) 885-6054

About Dr. Tanya Glenn-Butler

We are a full service socially conscious real estate company that provides assistance with finding rental property such as apartments or houses for citizens transitioning to a life of independence.

The Butler Real Estate, LLC previously partnered with WORC (Women’s Opportunity Resource Center) in Philadelphia, obtaining funding and utilizing capital to renovate foreclosed properties and sell them to women and low income first time home buyers. The Butler Real Estate, LLC has provided two women and two family first time home buyers opportunities for home ownership in Philadelphia. We are excited to now have our company based in Cinnaminson, NJ, and look forward to partnering with non- profits to help citizens rebuild their lives and have quality residential housing.

Let's partner to continue the work of The Butler Real Estate, LLC in providing quality housing for disenfranchised members of communities in Philadelphia and South Jersey.


Pennsylvania, United States Licensed for 3 Years 6 Months Aug 2021 3 Years 6 Months Aug 2021
New York, United States


Skill: Conversational Agent
Skill: Conversational Agent


Black Women's Education Alliance Member
National Council of Negro Women Member
National Association of Secondary School Principals Member
Commonwealth Association of School Administrators Member
National Association of Elementary School Principals Member
National Association for the Education of Young Children Member


Primary Office Location

pin 311 Siena Drive Cinnaminson NJ 08077

pin (267) 885-6054

Office Location 1

pin 1500 John F. Kennedy Blvd, Ste 1510 Philadelphia PA 19102

pin (267) 885-6054

Social Media

LinkedIn page for Dr. Tanya Glenn-Butler - Female agent in Philadelphia Instagram page for Dr. Tanya Glenn-Butler - Female agent in Philadelphia
Message Dr. Tanya Glenn-Butler
(267) 885-6054